We found 10 episodes of LINUX Unplugged with the tag “mozilla”.
606: Nix's Magic Cookbook
March 16th, 2025 | 1 hr 38 mins
aneesh agrawal, anthropic, apple tv, atv-desktop-remote, bang boost, bang bus, chromebook, deep dive, ebpf, eelco dolstra, firefox, flakes, flox, jb meetup, jupiter broadcasting, kelsey hightower, laser tag champions, linux podcast, linux unplugged, mike kelly, mozilla, nix in the wild, nixbook, nixos, olympia mike, planet nix, producer jeff, pyatv, ron efroni, ross turk, rust, scale, system76, the launch, thunderbird, tui challenge, year of the terminal, 🚐
We have stories to share, guests joining us, insights from our week at Planet Nix, and Brent's big bombshell.
532: We Like Snaps Now
October 15th, 2023 | 1 hr 15 mins
1l pc, amd ryzen, app center, cad, chocolately, debian, docker desktop, enterprise desktop, enterprise linux, ext4, fde, firefox, flutter, fountain 1.0, full disk encryption, gnome 45, intel arc, jellyfin, jupiter broadcasting, legacy installer, linux 6.5, linux desktop, linux podcast, linux unplugged, log viewer, mantic minotaur, mozilla, nixos, no corporation november, noto fonts, ntfs, one liter pc, pipewire, plex, podman, quick settings, raspberry pi 5, security, snapcraft, snapd, tags, take my brent away, text tagger, tiling, tiling desktop, tpm, translations, ubuntu 23.10, ubuntu budgie, ubuntu core, ubuntu iso, wayland, wifi 7, windows challenge, wsl, wyse terminal, zfs
Has Canonical finally nailed snaps? Why it looks like Ubuntu has turned a new corner; our thoughts on the latest release. Plus, a special guest and more.
456: Our Linux Regrets
May 1st, 2022 | 1 hr 4 mins
admin, android, apparmor, arch, arm, bottles, canonical, containers, emacs, firefox, gaming on linux, gentoo, iac, jupiter broadcasting, lady jupes, las, linux app summit, linux desktop, linux gaming, linux podcast, linux time machine, linux unplugged, lutris, mozilla, nix, nixos, office hours, packaging, pop!_os, preempt_rt, proton, realtime, sandbox, snap packages, snapcraft, snapd, snaps, steam, steamos 3.0, sysadmin, ubuntu, valve, wine
If we could change just one mistake in our Linux journey, what would it be?
367: Podcatcher Play-off
August 19th, 2020 | 1 hr 5 mins
a cloud guru, airsonic, arch, birthday, castero, castget, cli, command line, cpod, debian bullseye, fibers, futex_swap, gnome podcasts, go, google, gpodder, greenthreads, internet outage, jupiter broadcasting, jupiterbroadcasting matrix, linux kernel, linux podcast, linux preppers, mac pro, manjaro forum, matrix, mozilla, multitasking, podcasts, podfox, project offgrid, rust, rust foundation, scheduling, shellcaster, spotify, switchto, tui, unplugged, user-space threading, winds
We round up the best podcast clients for your Linux desktop, mobile, and the web.
366: Linux Server Salvage
August 11th, 2020 | 48 mins 16 secs
a cloud guru, apple, boeing 747, decentralized chat, discord, element, elementary os 6, end-to-end encryption, federation, fedora, floppy disk, http, intel, irc, jitsi, jupiter broadcasting, kde, kde neon, layoffs, linux hardware rehab, linux podcast, mac pro, matrix, matrix bridge, messaging, mozilla, plasma, rest, restructuring, rolling release, security, semi-rolling, sip, slack, ubuntu 20.04, unplugged, voip, xeon, xmpp
We refurbish a special machine from the Jupiter Broadcasting Hardware Archive and try out Matrix, the one chat platform to rule them all.
336: Linus' Filesystem Fluster
January 14th, 2020 | 53 mins 31 secs
a cloud guru, age, arc, automotive grade linux, bandwhich, benchmarks, btrfs, ces, checksums, command line utilities, data integrity, data storage, encryption, ext4, ffsend, filesystems, firefox send, gpg, iftop, jim salter, jupiter broadcasting, linus torvalds, linux, linux podcast, lru cache, mozilla, nethogs, oracle, pgp, s-tui, sun microsystems, unplugged, windows, windows 10, windows 7, xfs, zfs
Linus Torvalds says don't use ZFS, but we think he got a few of the facts wrong. Jim Salter joins us to help us explain what Linus got right, and what he got wrong.
310: All Roads Lead to Linux
July 16th, 2019 | 45 mins 58 secs
2019 review, ad-blocker, azure, canonical, encryption, firefox service, gnome performance, jupiter broadcasting, linux community, linux news trends, linux unplugged, mozilla, red hat, ubuntu, wsl2, zfs
What’s surprised us, what we got wrong, right, and what the biggest game changers have been in 2019 so far.
309: The Future is Open
July 9th, 2019 | 1 hr 5 mins
browser wars, canonical, cloudflare, dark theme, devilspie, dns, dns-over-https, dns-over-tls, dnscrypt, dnssec, firefox, firefox 68, github, ibm, internet, internet villian, isp, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linux unplugged, mozilla, open source, pihole, raspberry pi 4, red hat, redaing mode, secure dns, security, ubuntu, udp, uk ispa, usb-c, xfce
Open Source has taken over the world, as IBM's purchase of Red Hat closes. We reflect on this historic moment.
305: Resilience Is Futile
June 11th, 2019 | 55 mins 9 secs
bsides, chob, data corruption, encryption, firefox, firefox premium, gnome mpv, hacker family dinner, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, linux unplugged, live distro, matrix, matrix foundation, mozilla, mpv, opensuse, picks, resilient linux, security, suse, universal packages, vlc
Is Resilient Linux truly an indestructible distro? Or is this our toughest distro challenge yet?
295: Stay and Compile a While
April 2nd, 2019 | 1 hr 12 mins
accelerated graphics, apache, apache foundation, codecs, compiling software, f5, ffmpeg, firefox, gentoo, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, machine learning, mozilla, nano, nginx, notifications, open source, open source audio, opus, raspberry pi, raspberry pi keyboard and mouse, text editors, ubuntu mate 18.04 beta 1 for raspberry pi, unplugged, vi, vlc, vocoder, wasi, webassembly
Is there really any advantage to building your software vs installing the package? We discuss when and why you might want to consider building it yourself.