LINUX Unplugged

Weekly Linux talk show with no script, no limits, surprise guests and tons of opinion.

About the show

An open show powered by community LINUX Unplugged takes the best attributes of open collaboration and turns it into a weekly show about Linux.

LINUX Unplugged on social media


  • Episode 69: Perfect Linux Laptop | LUP 69

    December 2nd, 2014  |  1 hr 27 mins

    The founder of Purism Librem 15, joins us to discuss the hardware, software & goals of the project & how he hopes to encourage manufacturers to free the entire stack. Plus CoreOS announces Rocket, a new Docker competitor that we’re excited about & more!

  • Episode 68: Linux Powered Schools | LUP 68

    November 25th, 2014  |  1 hr 24 mins

    We talk with students from Penn Manor School District, where they’ve given every student a Linux laptop. Plus a preview of our interview with Mark Shuttleworth & his take on the recent criticism and exodus from Debian & getting started in a Linux career.

  • Episode 67: Debian Community Divided | LUP 67

    November 18th, 2014  |  1 hr 6 mins

    We recap the recent mini-exodus in the Debian project. Then we follow that with some concrete ideas of what we can do to change that tone.

    Plus we take a stroll down fantasy lane and solve our top 3 Linux pain points, some great follow up & much more!

  • Episode 66: Firefox gets Unplugged | LUP 66

    November 11th, 2014  |  1 hr 14 mins

    We Firefox challenge & now we follow up, we also reflect on 10 years & the growing competition from Webkit

    Gnome raised money to defend it’s Trademark from Groupon, which has quickly raised the white flag. Plus an exciting first live on the show & more!

  • Episode 65: OpenSUSE Followup | LINUX Unplugged 65

    November 4th, 2014  |  1 hr 21 mins

    We follow up on our review of openSUSE 13.2 & discuss how life on the rolling side has been going for some of our LUG members.

    Plus the hardware box that promises to replace your password manager & we say goodbye to the Linux Outlaws.

  • Episode 64: SeaGL & OLF Roundup | LINUX Unplugged 64

    October 28th, 2014  |  1 hr 8 mins

    Our interviews from SeaGL 2014. Special guest Angela Fisher joins us to discuss getting women involved with Linux and technology general.

    Plus our fun stories from Ohio LinuxFest 2014, a few closing thoughts, your feedback & much more!

  • Episode 63: For Forks Sake | LUP 63

    October 21st, 2014  |  1 hr 29 mins

    Is it time to fork Debian? Some Unix veterans do, and we discuss. The Linux Grandma joins us to discuss Kubuntu, KDE’s outreach, and Google Summer of Code.

    Plus Microsoft says they really love Linux, Steam’s secret weapon against Windows & much more!

  • Episode 62: Unifying Linux Software | LUP 62

    October 14th, 2014  |  1 hr 9 mins

    We discuss how one software center for all distributions would work & which existing solutions are the closest.

    Plus looking forward to some new Ubuntu apps & how Linux bit Lightworks right in the memory manager.

  • Episode 61: Don’t Feed the Soap Opera | LUP 61

    October 7th, 2014  |  1 hr 45 mins

    The Linux community is at each others throats this week, from Lennart Poettering’s well intentioned rant, to the rage quit of GamingOnLinux’s lead writer.

    Our thoughts on structuring a productive community, your emails & much more!

  • Episode 60: Calm Before the Storm | LINUX Unplugged 60

    September 30th, 2014  |  1 hr 33 mins

    Today’s show is full of robust discussion as your hosts discuss the recent criticism over our coverage of Ubuntu 14.10, the general reaction to Shellshock & the Netflixification of Photoshop on Chromebooks.

  • Episode 59: Dead Desktop Walking | LUP 59

    September 23rd, 2014  |  1 hr 16 mins

    Debian moves to make Gnome the default desktop, is XFCE dead?

    Plus Red Hat announces its refocusing on the very thing Canonical makes all its money from & why we may be on the precipice of a massive new competition between the two companies.

  • Episode 58: Cult of Community | LUP 58

    September 16th, 2014  |  1 hr 15 mins

    Is the role of “Community Manager” a fraud perpetrated by companies trying to exploit the fruits for their community? We debate. Plus we discuss your systemd follow up, the recent purchase of openSUSE’s parent company Attachmate & more!

  • Episode 57: systemd Haters Busted | LUP 57

    September 9th, 2014  |  1 hr 23 mins

    The majority of systemd hate appears to be coming from just two sources. At least that’s what we suspect & call them out.

    Plus a review of OpenMediaVault and how it compares to FreeNAS, a quick look at Tox & what the heck is Fedora’s DNF?

  • Episode 56: One Packager for All | LUP 56

    September 2nd, 2014  |  1 hr 28 mins

    The systemd group has a proposal for universal software management scheme for all Linux distributions. We’ll debate the philosophical impact & explain why it’s all powered by btrfs.

    Plus some thoughts on the ultimate DM & the true cost of a MacBook!

  • Episode 55: LinuxCon 2014 Unplugged | LUP 55

    August 26th, 2014  |  1 hr 31 mins

    Learn about Linux in big networking, what the future holds for SUSE & more from LinuxCon 2014.

    Plus, are you feeling a bit down? Maybe it’s because Linux users are being told to shut up about Desktop Linux. We’ll discuss why this an short sighted idea.

  • Episode 54: Microsoft's Munich Man | LINUX Unplugged 54

    August 19th, 2014  |  1 hr 5 mins

    Sam from the Moka project stops by to chat about making Linux look better. Then we get into the role open source plays in self driving cars.

    Plus we bust some of the FUD around Munich’s much reported plan to abandon Linux and switch back to Windows.