We found 3 episodes of LINUX Unplugged with the tag “devuan”.
372: Distro Triforce
September 22nd, 2020 | 1 hr 41 secs
1secmail, aberhosan, amazon, amd, analytics, arch linux, broadband, bunsen labs, canonical, carl richell, cloud, cloud hypervisor, coreboot, crosvm, deepin 20, desktop environments, devuan, docker, elementary os, emacsconf2020, embedded controller, endeavouros arm, fedora, firecracker, google, graphs, heroku, i3, intel, jupiter broadcasting, kvm, let's encrypt, linux distributions, linux foundation, linux podcast, michael jones, mypaas, niche distros, open firmware, openpower, openreach, paas, power64 laptop, protonmail, raspberry pi 4, raspbian, red hat, roberto innocenti, rust, rust-vmm, scsi, shazam, songrec, system76, systemd, systemd-homed, tmpmail, traefik, trim, tv, uasp, ubuntu, uefi, unplugged, usb, virtualization, window managers
What would it really take to get you to switch Linux distributions? We debate the practical reasons more and more people are sticking with the big three.
297: Release the Dingo
April 16th, 2019 | 57 mins 40 secs
19.04, ansible, chromebooks, devops, devuan, devuan conference, disco dingo, electronplayer, gnome, jupiter broadcasting, linus tech tips, linux, linux podcast, long term support, lts, ltt, manjaro, mesa, ncspot, ncurses, partyloud, pop!_os, privacy, red hat, rhce, rhcsa, root on zfs, rust, security, simplot, snapcraft, spotify, systemd, traffic simulator, ubuntu, unplugged, yaru, zfs, zfs on linux
Ubuntu's new release is here, and this one might be one of the most important in a while. But is it worth upgrading from an LTS? We review and debate just that.
291: Dirty Home Directories
March 5th, 2019 | 1 hr 9 mins
aws, canonical, chrome os, cloud, cloud computing, config files, containerd, containers, crostini, debian, devuan, docker, firefox, flowblade, fractional scaling, gnome, gnome 3.32, hidden files, home directory, ios, ipad, jupiter broadcasting, kubernetes, linux apps, linux podcast, lyft, meetup, open source, shotcut, simplified computing, systemd, systemd-nspawn, tablet, ubuntu, unplugged
We reveal all and look at the mess that is our home directories. How we keep them clean, back them up, and organize our most important files.