We found 10 episodes of LINUX Unplugged with the tag “linux laptop”.
462: One Cosmic Collaboration
June 12th, 2022 | 1 hr 5 mins
1080p, amd, auto-tiling, battery life, firmware, flatpak, foss, fwupd, gpl, hardware, hp 935 creator wireless mouse, hp dev one, jupiter broadcasting, launch keyboard, linux desktop, linux gaming, linux laptop, linux podcast, linux unplugged, lvfs, nix, nixos, opensuse, podverse, pop!_os, pop!_shop, repairability, right to repair, ryzen 7, system76, tiling window manager, tumbleweed
From skeptic to buyer, why the HP Dev One is the best Linux laptop yet. This is the one review you don't want to miss.
416: Server Meltdown
July 27th, 2021 | 52 mins 27 secs
alpine, arch, battery life, containers, decrentalized communication, dendrite, docker, docker-wine, electron, element, fedora, fingerprint reader, framework laptop, freebsd, gamescope, guacamole, hardware, hellosystem, ipfs, jingos, jingpad a1, jupiter broadcasting, linux gaming, linux graphics, linux laptop, linux podcast, linux unplugged, linuxserver.io, matrix, metaplanet, obs, oneweb, pierre-loup griffais, protocol labs, proton, rdp, remote desktop, right to repair, satellite internet, skype, spacex, starlink, steam, steamcompmgr, steamos, synapse, ubuntu, valve, vulkan, wayland, webtop, windows, wine, winetricks, xvfb, xwayland
We try to pull off a show while recovering from an epic server crash. Then we build the ultimate remote Linux desktop—in the cloud!
360: The Hard Work of Hardware
June 30th, 2020 | 54 mins 45 secs
4k, a cloud guru, alfred neumayer, cadmus, canonical, chrome, chromium, culling, cutiepi, file transfer, fractional scaling, gnome, hybrid graphics, jeremy soller, jupiter broadcasting, linux graphics, linux laptop, linux mint 20, linux mobile, linux noise suppression, linux podcast, nvidia, open firmware, oryx pro, performance, pine64 pinephone, project treble, pulseaudio, raspberry pi, rnnoise, snap packages, snapcraft, system76, tablet, ubports, ubuntu, ubuntu touch, unplugged, warpinator
We're joined by two guests who share their insights into building modern Linux hardware products.
352: Three Course Battery
May 5th, 2020 | 1 hr 6 mins
a cloud guru, arch, audio recorder, battery life, coreboot, ffmpeg, high quality camera, inkscape 1.0, intel comet lake, jeremy soller, jupiter broadcasting, labtop, lemur pro, linux laptop, linux podcast, manjaro, open firmware, philip muller, pulseaudio, raspberry pi camera, sound recorder, star labs, system76, tailscale, unplugged, usb-c, wireguard, zfs
Manjaro has a new hardware partner so Phillip joins to share the details, and we have the Lemur Pro in house for a battery endurance test like no other.
350: Focal Focus
April 21st, 2020 | 1 hr 12 mins
3mux, a cloud guru, arch, bleachbit, budgie, erofs, exfat, fedora 32, feral interactive, focal fossa, gamemode, gnome 3.36, grub, i3, jupiter broadcasting, kde, kernel lockdown, kubuntu, kwin, kwinft, lemur pro, linux laptop, linux podcast, lts, luplug, mate, pacat, plasma, pop shell, pop!_os, pulseaudio, roman gilg, snapshots, system 76, teletype, tiling, tmux, tuxedo control center, ubuntu 20.04, ubuntu studio, unplugged, virtio-fs, wsl, xfs, xubuntu, yaru, zfs, zsys
The latest Ubuntu LTS is here, but does it live up to the hype? And how practical are the new ZFS features? We dig into the performance, security, and stability of Focal Fossa.
347: Arm is Here
March 31st, 2020 | 1 hr 4 mins
20.04, a cloud guru, arch, arm, armbian, btrfs, bulletproof linux, ext4, f2fs, fedora, freebsd, functional, guix, json, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linux 5.6, linux laptop, linux mint, linux podcast, manjaro, multipath tcp, nixos, pi 4, powershell, raspberry pi, snapshots, timeshift, tuxedo computers, ubuntu, unplugged, usb4, virtualbox, wireguard, xfs, zfs
We discover a few simple Raspberry Pi tricks that unlock incredible performance and make us re-think the capabilities of Arm systems.
346: The One-Click Trap
March 24th, 2020 | 1 hr 6 mins
a cloud guru, ansible, automation, aws, backup, bitnami, borg, conferences, docker, duplicity, foss, gaming on linux, graphics, home assistant, jupiter broadcasting, lemur pro, linux laptop, linux mint, linux podcast, little snitch, mastodon, microsoft, nouveau, nvidia, one-click apps, open source, powerpoint, sandstorm, security, system76, turnkey linux, twitter, ubuntu, unplugged, windows, wsl
We debate the dangers and advantages of one-click deployments. Then Dan from elementary OS shares an AppCenter for Everyone update.
338: Success Through Vulnerability
January 28th, 2020 | 1 hr 3 mins
a cloud guru, broot, buttonware, command line, cool retro term, dre devault, foss, freeware, jim button, jim knopf, jupiter broadcasting, kde, kubuntu, kubuntu focus, laptop, linux laptop, linux podcast, marscat, open source, pc-sig, raspberry pi, rust, shareware, stress, stuffit, sustainable development, terminal, time management, tizonia, unplugged, windows terminal, winrar
How did we get from shareware to free software? We jump in the Linux powered time machine and revisit software past.
337: Mystical Users
January 21st, 2020 | 58 mins 26 secs
a cloud guru, benchmarks, cloud, containers, coreos, dell, dell xps 13, developer laptop, doing things that scale, fedora, fedore coreos, flatcar container linux, focal fossa, free desktop, glow, jupiter broadcasting, kinvolk, linux desktop, linux laptop, linux podcast, mac os, macification, markdown, open source, picks, pine64, pinephone, software development, ubuntu, ubuntu 20.04, uefi, unplugged, wifi 6, xps 13, yaru, yaru theme
We make an appeal to keep Linux powerful and avoid the Macification of the desktop, and review the latest developer-focused XPS 13.
293: Netflix's Gift to Linux
March 19th, 2019 | 1 hr 14 mins
android, battery life, bcc, bpf, bpftrace, brendan gregg, debian, debian project leader, dtrace, ebpf, eqt investments, ext4slower, fdroid, gnome, google play, gtk, jupiter broadcasting, kde, kde connect, lfnw, linux laptop, linux podcast, mate 1.22, mobile, netflix, novell, opensnoop, perf, performance monitoring, plasma, powertop, profiling, qt, sms, suse, suse independence, tlp, tlp 1.2, unplugged, wanda the fish
Developers at Netflix are creating the next set of super powers for Linux, we'll get the details straight from the source.