We found 2 episodes of LINUX Unplugged with the tag “vmware”.
386: Perilously Precocious Predictions
December 29th, 2020 | 57 mins 45 secs
2020, 2021, amd, apple, arch, arm, best buy, canonical, centos, dnf, drm, endlessos, fedora, fuschia, geekbench, gnome, hector martin, intel xe, jupiter broadcasting, kde, kubernetes, linus, linux, linux podcast, m1, manjaro, microsoft, pinephone, plasma, predictions, rancher, raspberry pi, rhel, risc-v, rocky linux, rust, suse, system76, ubuntu, unplugged, vmware, xfce
Friends join us for a special edition of the show to review last year's predictions, and forecast the future.
362: The Hidden Cost of Nextcloud
July 14th, 2020 | 1 hr 3 mins
a cloud guru, arch server, aur helpers, debian, digital ocean, dirk hohndel, dropbox, egpu, email, file storage, file syncing, firmware, fwupd, git, i3, ibm, jupiter broadcasting, kernel name, lenovo, linus torvalds, linux kernel development, linux laptops, linux podcast, luplug, nextcloud, object storage, open source summit, pop!_os shell, postgresql, s3, saying no, secret codename, software maintenance, spaces, subsurface, syncthing, thermal throttling, thinkpad, thunderbolt, tiling window managers, unix surplus, unplugged, vmware, yay, zfs
Our team has been using Nextcloud to replace Dropbox for over a year, we report back on what has worked great, and what's not so great.