Episode Archive
594 episodes of LINUX Unplugged since the first episode, which aired on August 12th, 2013.
306: Flipping FreeNAS for Fedora
June 18th, 2019 | 59 mins 49 secs
atari vcs, chromium, command line bookmarks, containers, docker, fedora, fedora 30, fedora server, freebsd, freenas, grep, jupiter broadcasting, linus tech tips, linux podcast, linux unplugged, marker, nas, netflix, nfs, openzfs, picks, rga, ripgrep, sack panic, snap packages, storage, system76, tcp, thelio, windows, wsl2, zfs, zfs on linux
We attempt something you never should, we live flip our FreeNAS ZFS install to a Fedora server.
305: Resilience Is Futile
June 11th, 2019 | 55 mins 9 secs
bsides, chob, data corruption, encryption, firefox, firefox premium, gnome mpv, hacker family dinner, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, linux unplugged, live distro, matrix, matrix foundation, mozilla, mpv, opensuse, picks, resilient linux, security, suse, universal packages, vlc
Is Resilient Linux truly an indestructible distro? Or is this our toughest distro challenge yet?
304: Losing My Religion
June 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 6 mins
amd, bbq, ctrl alt face, deep fakes, deep learning, desktop fragmentation, desktop standards, ebooks, foliate, free software, gtkwebkit, jupiter broadcasting, linux desktop, linux gaming, linux podcast, linux state of the union, linux unplugged, open source, peer to peer, peertube, ryzen, smach z, texas linuxfest, thomas cameron, txlf, ubuntu, ubuntu mate, windows 7, year of the linux desktop, youtube
Adopting a distro like it’s a religion is stupid. That’s one of many hard lessons we take away from Texas Linux Fest this week; we’ll share some of the best.
303: Stateless and Dateless
May 28th, 2019 | 1 hr 8 mins
bundles, clear linux, encryption, gnome, gtk, intel, jupiter broadcasting, kubecon, kubernetes, kvm, linux podcast, linux unplugged, nvidia driver, pci passthrough, please don’t theme, rolling linux, stop themeing my app, ubuntu 19.10, virtualization, zfs on linux
We visit Intel to figure out what Clear Linux is all about and explain a few tricks that make it unique.
302: Dark Style Rises
May 21st, 2019 | 1 hr 5 mins
android, android q, antergros, cassidy james blaede, chrome, container, dark mode, dark theme, elementary os, fedora, flatpak, freedesktop, guake, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, linux unplugged, macos, minetime, rpm-ostree, ryzen, safari, silverblue, toolbox, windows, wireguard in networkmanager
Can the Free Desktop avoid being left behind in the going dark revolution? Cassidy from elementary OS joins us to discuss their proposal.
301: Peak Red Hat
May 14th, 2019 | 1 hr 9 mins
clear linux, command line threat hunting, containers, github package registry, gyre, hybrid cloud, jupiter broadcasting, linux unplugged, openshift 4, python 3, red hat summit, rhel 8, ryzen thinkpad, texas linux fest, ulauncher, universal base image
We scale the Red Hat Summit and come back with a few stories to share.
300: Ultimate Fedora Test
May 7th, 2019 | 1 hr 5 mins
18.04, bootloaderspec, buku, dell, dell precision 3540, fedora, fedora 30, flicker free boot, gnome 3.32, grub, homebrew smart watch, jupiter broadcasting, l4t, linux on the switch, linux unplugged, lxqt, mir, nintendo switch, pantheon, pcap, project sputnik, python classroom, red hat, red hat logo, rhel 8, shadowman, silverblue, smarch watch, sysctl explorer, systemd-boot, termshark, ubuntu, wayland, wayland conformance suite, wireshark, xfce
Is Fedora 30 the peak release of this distribution? We put it through the ultimate test, live on the air, and put everything on the line.
299: Shame as a Service
April 30th, 2019 | 1 hr 13 mins
android, containers, distrohoppers, docker, dockercon, fedora, fedora 30, flicker free boot, free software, geary, gnome, gnome 3.32, home automation, jupiter broadcasting, lfnw, librem one, linux, linux audio, linux conference, linux lite, linuxfest norhtwest, mastodon, mattermost, open source, privacy, purism, red hat, saas, silverblue, software as a service, ubuntu 19.04, unplugged, vpn
Fresh back from LinuxFest Northwest we share a few of our favorite stories and memories.
298: Blame Joe
April 23rd, 2019 | 1 hr 5 mins
arandr, arc-theme, atari vcs, centos, cubesat, darkmode, debian elections, dpl, dunst, fermilab, fractal, gnome, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linux podcast, manajro, matrix, openaudible, pepsi, purism, rhel, sam hartman, scientific linux, subspace wireguard, thunar, ulauncher, unplugged, xfce, xfce performance, xubuntu
This week we discover the good word of Xfce and admit Joe was right all along. And share our tips for making Xfce more modern.
297: Release the Dingo
April 16th, 2019 | 57 mins 40 secs
19.04, ansible, chromebooks, devops, devuan, devuan conference, disco dingo, electronplayer, gnome, jupiter broadcasting, linus tech tips, linux, linux podcast, long term support, lts, ltt, manjaro, mesa, ncspot, ncurses, partyloud, pop!_os, privacy, red hat, rhce, rhcsa, root on zfs, rust, security, simplot, snapcraft, spotify, systemd, traffic simulator, ubuntu, unplugged, yaru, zfs, zfs on linux
Ubuntu's new release is here, and this one might be one of the most important in a while. But is it worth upgrading from an LTS? We review and debate just that.
296: Defining Desktop Linux
April 9th, 2019 | 1 hr 7 mins
archivebox, git, gpd pocket, grace hopper celebration, jupiter broadcasting, linux desktop, linux gaming, linux podcast, lutris, pengwin, proton, rebranding, snapcraft, steam, ubuntu mate, unplugged, visual studio code, vscode, wkhtmltopdf, wlinux, wsl
The way we’ve been thinking about Desktop Linux is all wrong. We start by defining Desktop Linux, and where it might be going in the future.
295: Stay and Compile a While
April 2nd, 2019 | 1 hr 12 mins
accelerated graphics, apache, apache foundation, codecs, compiling software, f5, ffmpeg, firefox, gentoo, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, machine learning, mozilla, nano, nginx, notifications, open source, open source audio, opus, raspberry pi, raspberry pi keyboard and mouse, text editors, ubuntu mate 18.04 beta 1 for raspberry pi, unplugged, vi, vlc, vocoder, wasi, webassembly
Is there really any advantage to building your software vs installing the package? We discuss when and why you might want to consider building it yourself.
294: Tainted Love
March 26th, 2019 | 1 hr 10 mins
alcosynth, ansible, asus firmware hack, backdoor, backtrack, cellular hacking, convergence, curl, curl 21st birthday, debconf, debian, desktop linux, firmware updates, install fests, jupiter broadcasting, kali linux, kernel modules, linux advocacy, linux hardware support, linux podcast, nano, nexdock 2, open source, proprietary firmware, ruby on rails, shadowhammer, sigintos, switching people to linux, synthehol, tainted kernel, text editors, unplugged, wifi
Why we sometimes go too far with our Linux advocacy, and a few humble strategies to switch people to Linux.
293: Netflix's Gift to Linux
March 19th, 2019 | 1 hr 14 mins
android, battery life, bcc, bpf, bpftrace, brendan gregg, debian, debian project leader, dtrace, ebpf, eqt investments, ext4slower, fdroid, gnome, google play, gtk, jupiter broadcasting, kde, kde connect, lfnw, linux laptop, linux podcast, mate 1.22, mobile, netflix, novell, opensnoop, perf, performance monitoring, plasma, powertop, profiling, qt, sms, suse, suse independence, tlp, tlp 1.2, unplugged, wanda the fish
Developers at Netflix are creating the next set of super powers for Linux, we'll get the details straight from the source.
292: Cheese on the SCaLE
March 12th, 2019 | 1 hr 12 mins
azure sphere, bug reports, containers, debian, debian elections, developer tooling, ebpf, f5, firefox send, home automation, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, mozilla, nginx, node-red, open source governance, openpower, project leadership, purism, scale, scale 17x, snapcraft, sway, system76, unplugged, wayland, web anniversary, window managers, wlroots, world wide web
A new voice joins the show, and we share stories from our recent adventures at SCaLE 17x.
291: Dirty Home Directories
March 5th, 2019 | 1 hr 9 mins
aws, canonical, chrome os, cloud, cloud computing, config files, containerd, containers, crostini, debian, devuan, docker, firefox, flowblade, fractional scaling, gnome, gnome 3.32, hidden files, home directory, ios, ipad, jupiter broadcasting, kubernetes, linux apps, linux podcast, lyft, meetup, open source, shotcut, simplified computing, systemd, systemd-nspawn, tablet, ubuntu, unplugged
We reveal all and look at the mess that is our home directories. How we keep them clean, back them up, and organize our most important files.