We found 10 episodes of LINUX Unplugged with the tag “linux”.
368: The Best is Yet to Come
August 26th, 2020 | 1 hr 5 mins
2.5 admins, alan pope, alex kretzschmar, btrfs, bug reports, bug-a-thon, chowdown, coder radio, discord, drew devore, fedora 33, fedora iot, fedora test week, fetchcord, free software, joe ressington, jupiter broadcasting 3.0, lan, linux, linux action news, linux podcast, martin wimpress, matrix, michael dominick, minix, mumble, open source, popey, self-hosted recipes, the new show, unix, unplugged, unplugged core contributors, wimpy, wimpy’s world
It's a new day for Jupiter Broadcasting and the show, we share our big news.
357: The Little Distro That Could
June 9th, 2020 | 56 mins 24 secs
a cloud guru, antix, arc, assembly, bake off, breathe, breeze, bsd, bunsenlabs, community, cpu, dark mode, debian, exhale, foss, free software, freebsd, gaming on linux, gtk, hdd, helium, jupiter broadcasting, kolibrios, lightweight, lightweight distro, linux, linux desktop, linux distributions, linux podcast, multicore, multithreading, netflix, open source, package managers, pkg, pop!_os, ports, ppa, qt, ram, sparky linux, supertux, supertuxkart, theming, unix, unplugged, video games, virtual lug, vscode, yaru, youtube
The lightweight distro that stole our hearts, the four of us each try out a different contender and come away with what we think will be the leanest and meanest distribution for your PC.
348: OK OOMer
April 7th, 2020 | 1 hr 3 mins
a cloud guru, command line, earlyoom, facebook, fedora, fedora 32, integrity policy enforcement, ipe, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linux podcast, linux router, low-memory-monitor, lsm, memory pressure, microsoft, mitm, nohang, nushell, oomd, openwrt, opkg, opnsense, performance, pfsense, psi, security, shell, time tracking, timekpr-next, unplugged
Today we make nice with a killer, an early out-of-memory daemon, and one of the new features in Fedora 32. We put EarlyOOM to the test in a real-world workload and are shocked by the results.
347: Arm is Here
March 31st, 2020 | 1 hr 4 mins
20.04, a cloud guru, arch, arm, armbian, btrfs, bulletproof linux, ext4, f2fs, fedora, freebsd, functional, guix, json, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linux 5.6, linux laptop, linux mint, linux podcast, manjaro, multipath tcp, nixos, pi 4, powershell, raspberry pi, snapshots, timeshift, tuxedo computers, ubuntu, unplugged, usb4, virtualbox, wireguard, xfs, zfs
We discover a few simple Raspberry Pi tricks that unlock incredible performance and make us re-think the capabilities of Arm systems.
343: What Linux is Best At
March 3rd, 2020 | 57 mins 8 secs
a cloud guru, apple, cattlinux podcast, desktop linux, docker, firefox, gaming, gaming on linux, gnome, gnome extension, gnome shell 3.36, javascript, jupiter broadcasting, linux, macos, pop!_os, power users, ripgrep, rust, stadia, steam, system76, the silver searcher, tiling window manager, tiling windows, typescript, unplugged, wayland, windows wsl2
We try the Mac desktop for 30 days, find out what we think it does best, and where Linux will always have it beat.
341: Long Term Rolling
February 18th, 2020 | 52 mins 48 secs
a cloud guru, android, arch linux, backups, bcachefs, btrfs, centos, cockpit, command line, containers, desktop linux, devops, docker, fingerprint reader, flatpak, google, jc, jq, json, jupiter broadcasting, kernel, linux, linux distributions, linux mint, linux podcast, lts, open source development, powershell, regular release, rolback, rolling release, rsync, samsung, security, snap packages, snapshots, t480, thinkpad, timeshift, ubuntu, unix, unplugged, zfs
We question the very nature of Linux development, and debate if a new approach is needed.
336: Linus' Filesystem Fluster
January 14th, 2020 | 53 mins 31 secs
a cloud guru, age, arc, automotive grade linux, bandwhich, benchmarks, btrfs, ces, checksums, command line utilities, data integrity, data storage, encryption, ext4, ffsend, filesystems, firefox send, gpg, iftop, jim salter, jupiter broadcasting, linus torvalds, linux, linux podcast, lru cache, mozilla, nethogs, oracle, pgp, s-tui, sun microsystems, unplugged, windows, windows 10, windows 7, xfs, zfs
Linus Torvalds says don't use ZFS, but we think he got a few of the facts wrong. Jim Salter joins us to help us explain what Linus got right, and what he got wrong.
335: Practically Perfect Predictions
January 7th, 2020 | 55 mins 8 secs
2020, amd, arch, arch linux, arch on the server, arm, bcachefs, emby, hidpi, intel, jellyfin, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linux podcast, linux powered phones, manjaro, mobile linux, new year, olaris, open-source, oracle, pacman, plex, predictions, robots, unplugged, wireguard, xfce, year-end, zfs
Find out what's happening in 2020 before it happens. Our crew returns from the future with predictions so perfect you could bet some Dogecoin on it.
331: apt install arch-linux
December 10th, 2019 | 58 mins 46 secs
arch, arch linux, arch on the server, backups, btrfs, cockpit, containers, copy-on-write, docker, fedora, freebsd, freenas, gpu, graphics, graphics cards, grub-btrfs, gtc, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linux podcast, linux servers, manjaro, microsoft, mythbusting, nouveau, nvidia, office 365, rolling release, snap-pac, snapper, snapshots, system administration, systemd-networkd, teams, ubuntu, unplugged, wireguard, zfs
We're myth-busting this week as we take a perfectly functioning production server and switch it to Arch. Is this rolling distro too dangerous to run in production, or can the right approach unlock the perfect server? We try it so you don't have to.
329: Flat Network Truthers
November 26th, 2019 | 1 hr 6 mins
android, arch linux, crypto, cryptography, fish shell, flat network, fzf, girens, google, gtk, guus sliepen, jupiter broadcasting, jupiter extras, kde, linux, linux 5.5, linux gaming, linux podcast, mainline, manjaro, native apps, nebula, networking, overlay network, plasma, plex, profile-sync-daemon, ryan huber, slack, stadia, system76, thinkpad, tinc, unplugged, virtual private network, vpn, wee-slack, wireguard, zinc
Build one flat network across cloud providers, personal networks, with even thousands of nodes. We feature two amazing open source solutions, and the creators behind them.