Commercial, Editorial & Documentary Photography -- local food, sustainability, technology, photography on Linux + more!
Brent Gervais has hosted 179 Episodes.
Episode 257: Security Amateur Hour
July 11th, 2018 | 1 hr 16 mins
arm, aur malware, best practices, dolphin share, firefox for android, gentoo, github, kdenlive, linux podcast, lockbox, minimal ubuntu, plasma desktop, unplugged, wine, wineconf
We reflect on recent FOSS security screw ups and ponder a solution powered by community.
Episode 256: Peering Into the Future
July 4th, 2018 | 1 hr 43 mins
allan jude, chrome os, debian, elementary os juno, fedora, freebsd, have i been pwned, linux community, linux mint 19, linux talk show, linux unplug, lug, nintendo switch hack, peertube, project trident, stylish, tara, trueos, ubuntu studio, yum
A major Internet monopoly might just be on the edge of cracking thanks to free software, a bit of initiative, and a lot of gumption. We'll follow up on a major experiment we kicked off last week.
Episode 255: Fedora to the Core
June 27th, 2018 | 1 hr 17 mins
auphonic, bittorrent, canonical, codec2, community news, debian 8.11, enigma code, fedora atomic, fedore coreos, firefox, github, gitlab, gnome software, kde neon, linux community podcast, linux user groups, microsoft, new york times, open source project news, peertube, rhel, unplugged
Big changes are coming to Fedora with the merger of CoreOS. We chat with a couple project members to get the inside scope about what the future of Fedora looks like.