We found 10 episodes of LINUX Unplugged with the tag “ansible”.
598: Not Your Distrohopper's Distro
January 19th, 2025 | 1 hr 23 mins
ansible, declaritive, desktop linux, docker, immutable, isd, jupiter broadcasting, lfnw, linux podcast, linux unplugged, linuxfest northwest, lup 600, nextcloud, nix, nixos, notepad next, passkey, planet nix, planify, scale, super productivity, todoist, tuxies, ubuntu declarative donkey, zen kernel, zfs, 🫏
With more criticisms of NixOS than ever—do they have a point? We'll dig into the tough critiques and give our perspective.
577: Summer Kernel Corn Roast
August 26th, 2024 | 1 hr 20 mins
2fa, alpine, ansible, bcachefs, berlin meetup, canonical, cloudflare, cosmic alpha, cve, cve-2022-2601, dual-boot, efi, gentoo, greg kroah-hartman, grub, hyprland, jupiter broadcasting, kent overstreet, linus torvalds, linux 6.11, linux kernel developer team, linux podcast, linux unplugged, microsoft, nix drinking game, nixos, nixos feedback, nixos image generator, nixos stable or unstable, patch tuesday, pihole, proxmox virtual environment, saunafs, sbat, secure boot, tailscale, toronto meetup, ublue cosmic, ubuntu, ubuntu 24.10, ubuntu kernel
Sixty vulnerabilities and exposures disclosed in one week sounds like a lot. We'll explain why it's just business as usual.
550: Ready Player Linux
February 18th, 2024 | 1 hr 14 mins
ansible, ansiview, arion, boosts, compose2nix, desktop, docker compose, emby, fountain, immersed, ipfs, jellyfin, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linux podcast, linux unplugged, monado, mutter, nextcloud, nix, nixcloud, nixos, nixpkgs-xr, oci-containers, open-source, opencomposite, openxr, owntracks, pcvr, pebkac, podcasting, productivity, quest 3, scale, screens, simulavr, steamvr, systemd, tailscale, triangle vr headset, vr
Chris spends the week in a VR desktop, revealing the glitches, gains, and VR's open-source future.
549: Will it Nixcloud?
February 11th, 2024 | 1 hr 34 mins
all-in-one, ansible, app store, arion, autotier, backups, bcachefs, btrfs, carplay, collabora, configuration management, container management, containers, cow, cs go, declarative configuration, docker, docker compose, gaming on linux, gigabyte, grafana, haskell, hercules ci, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, linux truths, linux unplugged, lxc, lxd, mac trashcan, minecraft, monitoring, nagios, netdata, nextcloud, nextcloud apps, nextcloudpi, nginx, nixos, nvme, php, podman, podverse, postgresql, ram-only distro challenge, redis, reproducibility, s3, self-hosting, snap, snap package, snowflake os, systemd, the nix way, tiered storage, traefik, trunas scale, unraid, vr on linux, will it nix?, windows, yaml, zfs
Deploying Nextcloud the Nix way promises a paradise of reproducibility and simplicity. But is it just a painful trek through configuration hell? We built the dream Nextcloud using Nix and faced reality.
539: Rollback Required
December 3rd, 2023 | 1 hr 12 mins
32-bit challenge, ansible, chris lewicki, cookie autodelete, disk age, disk health, duplicati, embarrassing situations, faster whisper, hard drive monitoring, lfnw 2024, linux desktop translator, linuxfest northwest 2024, machine translation, mars rover mistake, nixos configbuilder tool, s.m.a.r.t, scale, scrutiny, speech note, speech to text, steamos 3.5, text to speech, vosk, war stories, whisper.cpp, worst mistakes
This week, our embarrassment is your entertainment. Then, we check the age and health of all our disks with one app.
521: Rethinking GNOME
July 30th, 2023 | 1 hr 13 mins
ansible, anytype.io, automation platform, berlin with brent, brunch, chicago meetup, gl-inet routers, gnome window management, jetporch, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, linux unplugged, meetup, mosaic concept, nextcloud conference 2023, obsidian, open podcast api, paypal locked grapheneos, privacy tool, privacy tools for linux, rust, rust’s beginnings, self-hosted email, suse, suse liberty linux, travel update, wes, window management
Two important news stories, plus our thoughts on GNOME’s new windowing proposal and the Framework 16.
493: Network Nirvana
January 15th, 2023 | 1 hr 15 mins
acme, ansible, api, arch, automation, bash, bitwarden, cloud hosting, defined networking, feedback, garuda, grapheneos, immutable os, jellyfin, jupiter broadcasting, lego, let's encrypt, linode, linux podcast, linux unplugged, managed nebula, mastodon, mesh vpn, nano, nebula, neovim, networking, nextcloud, nginx, nixos, nixos 22.11, nixos upgrades, open-source, plex, proxyparty, python, reverse proxy, self-hosting, ssh, ssl, tls, vpn, vpn security, wireguard, zoneminder
Chris' sticky upgrade situation, and we chat with the developer behind an impressive mesh VPN with new tricks.
492: A New Challenge Approaches
January 8th, 2023 | 1 hr 13 mins
ansible, audiobookshelf, automation, boosts, buy it once, car, community, control enthusiasts, decentralization, docker, free software, good omens, immutability, intel quick sync, intel_gpu_top, jellyfin, jellyfin january, jupes, jupiter broadcasting, linux, linux podcast, linux quality, linux unplugged, maintainability, makemkv, mastodon, mate, matrix, men at arms, nas, nextcloud, ownership, plex, podverse, privacy, quality, right to repair, rss, scale, scale20x, self-hosting, simplicity, sovereignty, star trek, swiftfin, terry pratchett, traefik, website
Join us on a journey to true software freedom. We embark on our 30-day challenge and discover a whole new philosophy that will change the way you think about technology.
488: Revenge of the Lizard People
December 11th, 2022 | 1 hr 20 mins
ansible, arc gpu, backup strategy, btrfs, carplay, cold storage, dave, debian tattoo, degoogling, gps logger, grapheneos, jif, jiraffeneos, jnome, jupiter broadcasting, kde, linux podcast, linux unplugged, lizard brent, magsafe, never have i ever, nextcloud, nextcloud notes, nix, nixos, opensuse, opi, patreon, pixel, pixel 7, plasma, rockstor, rolling distro, tasks.org, tumbleweed, tumbleweed-cli, tuxies, twups, xmpp, yast, zyp, zypper
We complete a year-long journey and discover some unspoken truths about a great Linux distro. Plus one small, and one major update on our GrapheneOS adventure.
469: Tough Linux Love
July 31st, 2022 | 59 mins 55 secs
ansible, axel f, bluetooth problems, commodore 64, cryptomator, cups, dell, distrobox, dragonball z, flatpak, glinux, gnome, gokus, jupiter broadcasting, kde, linux desktop, linux podcast, linux unplugged, mac, macos, macos vs linux, nix, plasma, printer support, rclone, silverblue, snap, tdarb, thinkpad, toolbox, vegeta, x220, xfce, xps 13
Is the Linux desktop hard to love? A long-time user experience developer argues it is, and we respond to his criticisms.