We found 10 episodes of LINUX Unplugged with the tag “ansible”.
457: Automated Chaos
May 8th, 2022 | 47 mins 56 secs
ansible, ansible galaxy, astronomy, bgp, black hole, canonical, dishy, docker, infrastructure as code, ipv6, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, linux unplugged, lxc, lxd, nasa, networking, nix, nixos, orchestration, overlay network, perseus galaxy cluster, podman, portability, remote work, satellite internet, sonification, spacex, starlink, ubuntu, vanlife, virtual machines, virtualization, vm, work life rv, zfs
Each of us brings a secret topic to the show, and we discover a common theme about using the wrong tool for the right job.
455: I run NixOS BTW
April 24th, 2022 | 1 hr 16 mins
adam curry, ansible, arion, automation, canonical, community, containers, dark style preference, dave jones, deb-get, declarative, docker, flatpak, github, gnu, guix, jammy jellyfish, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, linux unplugged, martin wimpress, mate 22.04, mqtt, nftables, nix, nixos, nvidia, pimox7, podcasting 2.0, podfather, podman, poetry, poetry2nix, pop!_os, preempt-rt, proxmox, raspberry pi 4, real time kernel, snapcraft, tailscale, tmux, ubuntu 22.04, unsnap, virtualisation, wayland, wimpy, x.org
We've hit a bump in the road with the NixOS challenge, and share what it might not be great at. Plus, what we didn't cover in our Ubuntu 22.04 review.
453: Raleigh Action Show
April 10th, 2022 | 1 hr 6 mins
amd, ansible, armbian, automation, bitwarden, bore, coreos, debian, devops, dod, east coast meetup, flatseal, flutter, freerdpserver, gmc rv, gpu, hotswap, immutable, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, linux unplugged, macos, microsoft, nfs, ngrok, nix, nixos, python, raleigh, raspberry pi, rdp, redhat, rust, slackware, tcp tunnel, tea, terraform, webtop, wsl2, yellowdog
We just wrapped up our East Coast meetup and have a bunch of great stories to share. Plus some Nix ups and downs, and more.
451: The NixOS Challenge
March 27th, 2022 | 1 hr 9 mins
ansible, apfs, apple silicon, asahi alpha, asahi linux, bitcoin, boosts, compelling, configuration management, decentralized, declarative configuration, element, fascinating, federation, filesystems, functional programming, hector martin, jupiter broadcasting, lightning, linux distributions, linux podcast, linux unplugged, m1 max, matrix, nix, nix expression language, nixos, noteworthy, package management, package manager, podcasting 2.0, rebuild, remarkable, satoshi, unique, value4value
We explore what makes NixOS so powerful, and why it might be the future of all Linux distributions.
405: Distro in the Rough
May 11th, 2021 | 57 mins 12 secs
ai, ansible, appimage, appimagehub, arm, asus, battery health, cryptpad, debian, design, desktop applications, distrowatch, emulationstation, emulators, fedora, gist, huawei, independent distro, index, jupiter broadcasting, kde, kirigami, lenovo, linux 5.10, linux apps, linux gaming, linux podcast, lithium-ion battery, mali, maui, mauikit, mobile gaming, neon, network engineering, nintendo switch, nitrux, nx desktop, nx firewall, odroid-go super, openrc, pastebin, piebin, plasma, pre-internet encryption for text, privacy, privatebin, qt, retro gaming, rockchip, roms, samba, segacd, self-hosted, selfhosting, sensory, slexy, smb, ssh, station, theme, thinkpad, tlp, tlpui, ubuntu 18.04, uri herrera, video games, voice assistant, x1 carbon
We’re taking a look at an underdog distro. We may have found a diamond in the rough with a few tricks up its filesystem.
381: Secret Modem Sounds
November 24th, 2020 | 52 mins 56 secs
ansible, archive.org, asus, chromebook, chromeos, chromiumos, containers, dev fonts, digital audio, docker, fedora 34, flash, flat volume, fwupd, fydeos, gnome, guadec, homeassistant, i3, jack audio, jupiter broadcasting, kde plasma aarch64, kstars, linux app summit, linux podcast, lvfs, modem, nasa, nixos, perseverance rover, pipewire, podify, proxmox, pulseaudio 14, richard hughes, rss, ruffle, rust, stellarsolver, ubuntu web remix, unplugged, wave-share, webrtc, youtube-dl
We have the coolest new retro tool of the year, that will turn you into a Linux powered spy.
346: The One-Click Trap
March 24th, 2020 | 1 hr 6 mins
a cloud guru, ansible, automation, aws, backup, bitnami, borg, conferences, docker, duplicity, foss, gaming on linux, graphics, home assistant, jupiter broadcasting, lemur pro, linux laptop, linux mint, linux podcast, little snitch, mastodon, microsoft, nouveau, nvidia, one-click apps, open source, powerpoint, sandstorm, security, system76, turnkey linux, twitter, ubuntu, unplugged, windows, wsl
We debate the dangers and advantages of one-click deployments. Then Dan from elementary OS shares an AppCenter for Everyone update.
321: Fresh Install Feels
October 1st, 2019 | 1 hr 7 mins
ansible, automation, canonical, cpu-x, crypto, cryptography, dconf, direnv, fedora, fedora 31, gnome, installing linux, jupiter broadcasting, kde, linux podcast, opensuse, plasma, red hat, scripting, security, ubuntu, ubuntu 19.10, ubuntu mate, vpn, wireguard, yadm
What makes a fresh install of Linux perfect? We ask our panel and share a few tools, tips, and habits that make our Linux installs perfect.
297: Release the Dingo
April 16th, 2019 | 57 mins 40 secs
19.04, ansible, chromebooks, devops, devuan, devuan conference, disco dingo, electronplayer, gnome, jupiter broadcasting, linus tech tips, linux, linux podcast, long term support, lts, ltt, manjaro, mesa, ncspot, ncurses, partyloud, pop!_os, privacy, red hat, rhce, rhcsa, root on zfs, rust, security, simplot, snapcraft, spotify, systemd, traffic simulator, ubuntu, unplugged, yaru, zfs, zfs on linux
Ubuntu's new release is here, and this one might be one of the most important in a while. But is it worth upgrading from an LTS? We review and debate just that.
294: Tainted Love
March 26th, 2019 | 1 hr 10 mins
alcosynth, ansible, asus firmware hack, backdoor, backtrack, cellular hacking, convergence, curl, curl 21st birthday, debconf, debian, desktop linux, firmware updates, install fests, jupiter broadcasting, kali linux, kernel modules, linux advocacy, linux hardware support, linux podcast, nano, nexdock 2, open source, proprietary firmware, ruby on rails, shadowhammer, sigintos, switching people to linux, synthehol, tainted kernel, text editors, unplugged, wifi
Why we sometimes go too far with our Linux advocacy, and a few humble strategies to switch people to Linux.