We found 10 episodes of LINUX Unplugged with the tag “open source”.
304: Losing My Religion
June 4th, 2019 | 1 hr 6 mins
amd, bbq, ctrl alt face, deep fakes, deep learning, desktop fragmentation, desktop standards, ebooks, foliate, free software, gtkwebkit, jupiter broadcasting, linux desktop, linux gaming, linux podcast, linux state of the union, linux unplugged, open source, peer to peer, peertube, ryzen, smach z, texas linuxfest, thomas cameron, txlf, ubuntu, ubuntu mate, windows 7, year of the linux desktop, youtube
Adopting a distro like it’s a religion is stupid. That’s one of many hard lessons we take away from Texas Linux Fest this week; we’ll share some of the best.
299: Shame as a Service
April 30th, 2019 | 1 hr 13 mins
android, containers, distrohoppers, docker, dockercon, fedora, fedora 30, flicker free boot, free software, geary, gnome, gnome 3.32, home automation, jupiter broadcasting, lfnw, librem one, linux, linux audio, linux conference, linux lite, linuxfest norhtwest, mastodon, mattermost, open source, privacy, purism, red hat, saas, silverblue, software as a service, ubuntu 19.04, unplugged, vpn
Fresh back from LinuxFest Northwest we share a few of our favorite stories and memories.
295: Stay and Compile a While
April 2nd, 2019 | 1 hr 12 mins
accelerated graphics, apache, apache foundation, codecs, compiling software, f5, ffmpeg, firefox, gentoo, jupiter broadcasting, linux podcast, machine learning, mozilla, nano, nginx, notifications, open source, open source audio, opus, raspberry pi, raspberry pi keyboard and mouse, text editors, ubuntu mate 18.04 beta 1 for raspberry pi, unplugged, vi, vlc, vocoder, wasi, webassembly
Is there really any advantage to building your software vs installing the package? We discuss when and why you might want to consider building it yourself.
294: Tainted Love
March 26th, 2019 | 1 hr 10 mins
alcosynth, ansible, asus firmware hack, backdoor, backtrack, cellular hacking, convergence, curl, curl 21st birthday, debconf, debian, desktop linux, firmware updates, install fests, jupiter broadcasting, kali linux, kernel modules, linux advocacy, linux hardware support, linux podcast, nano, nexdock 2, open source, proprietary firmware, ruby on rails, shadowhammer, sigintos, switching people to linux, synthehol, tainted kernel, text editors, unplugged, wifi
Why we sometimes go too far with our Linux advocacy, and a few humble strategies to switch people to Linux.
291: Dirty Home Directories
March 5th, 2019 | 1 hr 9 mins
aws, canonical, chrome os, cloud, cloud computing, config files, containerd, containers, crostini, debian, devuan, docker, firefox, flowblade, fractional scaling, gnome, gnome 3.32, hidden files, home directory, ios, ipad, jupiter broadcasting, kubernetes, linux apps, linux podcast, lyft, meetup, open source, shotcut, simplified computing, systemd, systemd-nspawn, tablet, ubuntu, unplugged
We reveal all and look at the mess that is our home directories. How we keep them clean, back them up, and organize our most important files.
290: Proper Pi Pedigree
February 26th, 2019 | 58 mins 46 secs
4.19, alexa, ansible, arm, automation, domoticz, embedded, gnome, google assistant, google home, hardware acceleration, home assistant, home automation, jupiter broadcasting, kde, latency, linux kernel, linux operating system fundamentals, linux podcast, live streaming, lts, mate, mqtt, mutter, obs, open source, openhab, plasma, podcast generator, podcasting, raspberry pi, smart assistant, smart home, smart hub, smart lights, subsync, subtitles, ubuntu, ubuntu 18.04.2, ubuntu mate, unplugged, z-wave
We head to the Raspberry Pi corner and pick the very best open source home automation system.
Episode 277: Skipping Fedora 31
November 27th, 2018 | 1 hr 2 secs
backups, base platform, community, dropbox, ext4, fedora, fedora 31, gnome, gpu, iss, kde, lfnw, linux podcast, linuxfest northwest, martin wimpress, matthew miller, mergerfs, nasa, open source, packaging, packaging winter, plasma, red hat, security, silverblue, snapcraft, snapraid, switching to linux, thunderbolt, tooling, trust, unplugged, wimpy, windows, xfs, zfs
Fedora might take a year off, to focus on it self. Project Lead and Council Chair Matthew Miller joins us to explain this major proposal.
Episode 275: Year of the Relevant Desktop
November 13th, 2018 | 1 hr 9 mins
bitwarden, canonical, canonical ipo, emulation, f.k. schaller, firmware, linux podcast, lvfs, mark shuttleworth, microsoft, open invention network, open source, pcsx, pipewire, playstation, red hat, snes9x, supertuxkart, thunderbolt, ubuntu, unplugged, usb-c, wayland, zune
Christian F.K. Schaller from Red Hat joins us to discuss seamless Linux upgrades, replacing PulseAudio, some of the recent desktop Projects Red Hat’s been working on... And the value they get from them.
Episode 274: Open Source by Default
November 6th, 2018 | 1 hr 13 mins
android, apple, automation, automation system, fedora, foss, fuse, huginn, hybrid cloud, kde connect, linux academy, linux podcast, open source, open source revolution, procdump, secure boot, show automation, sysinternals, sysinternals for linux, t2, unplugged
Have the revolutionaries won the war against proprietary software? That’s the argument being made. And we argue, what else did you expect?